
動画講義トップ > 特別講義:英語による栄養学・アドバンスコース:Obesity & Metabolism

特別講義:英語による栄養学・アドバンスコース:Obesity & Metabolism15コンテンツ

2017年9月~2018年3月、共通特論XIX - 英語による栄養学・アドバンスコースとして、Catharine Ross教授のペンシルベニア州立大学での栄養素代謝学講義の教材を15回に分けて英語で講義しました。

No.1: Adipose tissue as a dynamic active tissue

Catharine Ross・香川靖雄・香川雅春

The anatomy of adipose tissue and how it undergoes biochemical and cellular changes during the onset of obesity.

No.2: Inflammation in adipose tissue

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The origin and types of inflammatory cells associated with obesity.

No.3: “Danger signals” and Toll-like receptors

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The rolls of “danger signal” and Toll-like receptor (TLR) on the onset of obesity and inflammation.

No.4: Lipid and glucose metabolism in adipose tissue and skeletal muscle

Catharine Ross・香川靖雄・香川雅春

The changes that occur in 3 types of adipose tissues (white, brown, “beige”) during obesity. Various adipokines and their functions.

No.5: Effects of obesity on the liver

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The role of excess adipose tissue as a cause of stress, that can promote the development of fatty liver disease.

No.6: Review and Explanation of Lesson 1-5

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Review of the past 5 lessons to ensure the understanding and answering of questions.

No.7: Principles of glucose metabolism related to inflammation

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Glycolysis and gluconeogenesis as well as alternative pathways for the metabolism of glucose and other hexoses.

No.8: Roles of diet and AGE compounds in the progression of atherosclerosis

Catharine Ross・香川靖雄・香川雅春

The progression of disease from early age (fatty streaks) to later formation of fibrous plaque. The role of oxidative damage in this process.

No.9: Receptors in vascular disease

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The receptors involved in lipid, lipoprotein, free fatty acid and advanced glycation end-product metabolism, as factors in vascular disease.

No.10: Diet and coronary heart disease

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Different types of dietary patterns that may either promote or limit the progression of vascular disease.

No.11: Lipid oxidation

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Reverse Cholesterol Transport, the role of high-density lipoproteins, and how the cholesterol taken up by the liver is converted to bile acids for excretion.

No.12: Fatty acids

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Categories of fatty acids and their functions; oxidation, modification and n-3/n-6 amounts and ratio in the diet

No.13: The structure and functions of the small intestine inflammation caused by food sensitivities (gluten)

Catharine Ross・香川靖雄・香川雅春

The development of the intestine, cell types, tight junctions and intestinal integrity; mucin production, and the roles of specialized cells (immune and endocrine).

No.14: Regulation of intestinal motility and influence of diet

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The enteric nervous system, the role of diet in aiding motility, and the importance of microbiota and appropriate signaling to maintain gut health.

No.15: Summing up and integrating course knowledge

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The holistic, integrative review of the course, and discussion on the key take-away points from the course.